• 4 Ottobre 2022
  • Nuovo Centro Congressi di Fiera di Padova
  • Versione in italiano

What is Forum Meccatronica?

Forum Meccatronica is a travelling exhibition-conference organized by Mechatronics Group of ANIE Automazione and Messe Frankfurt Italia.

Mechatronics in Italy

The industrial digitalization market has seen a doubling of its turnover, driven by a modern industrial policy and reinforced by government incentives, while the awareness of Industry 4.0 and the knowledge of new technologies are spreading among the productive realities of our country. SMEs also recognise that digital is a competitive priority, although they are not always able to exploit its full potential, due to a lack of managerial and, above all, financial skills. For this reason, the role of technologies 4.0 suppliers, universities and associations is fundamental, as they can provide the necessary skills and accompany the less structured realities in the first steps towards digitization.

The conference

Forum Meccatronica is an opportunity for actors in the industrial automation chain to meet: suppliers of mechatronic products meet machine builders, system integrators and end users to discuss the most innovative technological solutions on the market.
The conference sessions will see the alternation of speeches by technology suppliers with the moderation of OEMs and End Users, who thanks to their experience on the issues addressed contribute to developing the debate with the public.
In the exhibition area you can deepen the technological and business aspects.

In this context, the appointment with Forum Meccatronica comes back, an exhibition-conference conceived by the Mechatronics Group of ANIE Automazione and realized in collaboration with Messe Frankfurt Italia, whose sixth edition entitled “Digital maturity and new technological achievements in the Italian manufacturing industry” will be held on November 5, 2019 at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence.
Here, the most important suppliers of mechatronic solutions operating on the Italian market will deepen, also through concrete experiences of mechatronic integration, different aspects such as motion control, robotics, industrial software, plant engineering, with a particular focus on design and all those technologies and skills that the transition to 4.0 requires.

Here some pictures from the last edition of Forum Meccatronica